The city of Dublin, Ireland is roughly 45 square miles, and yet, produces an astonishing 10 million pints of Guinness a day. Could it have something to do with the fact that nearly half of its population is a sprightly 25 years of age (or under)? Or, is it simply because Dublin is a whole lot of fun? A great mix of lively pubs and quiet public spaces, hot spots and history, the city is a treasure trove of finds for both the social butterfly and the bookworm .
So, in honor of St. Patrick’s Day (March 17), we’re shining our City Spotlight on Dublin, Ireland. Check out our very special curated collection below, filled with royalty-free photos. Please Note: Some of the images in this post are for editorial use only.
The Temple Bar

Trinity College Campus

North Bank of the River Liffey

The Malahide Castle

The Oliver St. John Gogarty Bar

Spire of Dublin

Georgian Houses

Custom House

The Long Room in the Trinity College Library

For even more of Dublin’s duality, be sure to check out the rest of our royalty-free collection below. Happy downloading.
Header image from Bigstock contributor Honster.